24th March 2020

UPDATE FROM THE MANAGEMENT OF PLANTMAN EQUIPMENT Issued: 24th March 2020 In the health and safety interests of all stakeholders, and in line with restrictions in place for all employees, Plantman Equipment announces the following preventative measures that the firm is embarking on to flatten the curve of transmission of COVID-19. The following plan is […]


Issued: 24th March 2020

In the health and safety interests of all stakeholders, and in line with restrictions in place for all employees, Plantman Equipment announces the following preventative measures that the firm is embarking on to flatten the curve of transmission of COVID-19.

The following plan is aligned with recommended measures of the Australian Government Department of Health, the Government of Western Australia and the Australian Medical Association of Western Australia.

Plantman Equipment will continue to conduct daily reviews of this plan to determine if additional measures are needed whilst the threat of COVID-19 remains dire.


Plantman Equipment Management and Senior Staff are meeting daily to review and manage the firm’s response to the threat. These considerations will reflect changing recommendations of Government and experts to ensure firm operations, client service, confidentiality and office locations remain, to the best of our knowledge and efforts, risk free for staff and visitors.


As part of Plantman Equipment’s commitment to reducing the risk to visitors and others, the following cleaning schedule has been implemented to reduce the impact of coronavirus:

  • Increased ongoing commercial cleaning throughout the day in all offices and workshops
  • Increased antibacterial surface cleaning of all tabletops and surfaces including door handles and other surfaces across all areas accessible to clients and staff.
  • Thorough cleaning of all meeting rooms and reception area following each meeting.



Plantman will only accept visitors with a confirmed prior appointment.  All members of the public will not be allowed on site unless they have a confirmed appointment AND they complete Plantman Equipment’s Permit To Access Site Questionnaire.

In line with the restrictions put on our employees, any client, supplier or contact of the firm wishing to enter any office of Plantman Equipment, will not:

  • Have travelled internationally and/or interstate within the past 14 days, or have been in close contact with someone who has returned from international or interstate travel within the past fortnight


  • Had contact with a person who is CONFIRMED as having Corona Virus


  • Recently developed and are still experiencing one or more of the following symptoms
    • Fever/High Temperature
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Muscle pain or fatigue
    • Sputum or mucous
    • Diarrhoea



Where small meetings might continue, we can ensure that the recommended safe distance of 2 metres between each attendee will be adhered to.


Even with these restrictions mentioned above, Plantman Equipment is running as business as usual and have technologies in place to be able to offer clients and contacts alternative meeting options. These include:

  • Video meeting/teleconferencing – HD, large screen, PC or mobile options are all available
  • Telephone consultations
  • Meeting rooms that adhere to the ‘safe from transmission’ distance of at least 2m between meeting attendees and;
  • Alternative meeting points for necessary document signage or face-to-face meetings. We have already coined the phrase ‘two metre meetings’.


If you have any questions or need further information about Plantman Equipment’s response to COVID-19 please call 9274 7820 or email enquiries@plantman.com.au. If you have particularly detailed questions, do not hesitate to contact Management direct.




Issued: 24th March 2020




Managing Director