Plantman Apprenticeship Program: Real-World Experience

At Plantman, we’re all about cultivating the next generation of skilled technicians in the heavy equipment industry. A Four-Year Journey with Real-World Experience Our apprenticeship program has grown with the size of our expanding Plant Department & Workshop since its inception in 1992. In collaboration with WA TAFE, our Apprenticeship Program is a dynamic, four-year […]

27 May, 2024
News Article

Plantman Cultural Day 2024

At Plantman, we believe in more than just machines—we thrive on the diversity of our employees, which makes our workplace vibrant and dynamic. To celebrate our people, the heart of Plantman, we hosted the annual highlight of our social calendar—Plantman’s Cultural Day. This event coincides with World Day for Cultural Diversity on 21 May, a […]

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09 May, 2024
News Article

Plantman Achieves ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Certifications

At Plantman, our commitment to excellence is ongoing. With over 35 years of experience in the industry, we continuously strive to enhance our processes and procedures to deliver the best possible stakeholder experience. That’s why we’re proud to announce our recent certifications in ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.  ISO 14001, Environmental Management System (EMS) certification […]

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29 Feb, 2024
News Article

Plantman Apprenticeship Program: Real-World Experience

At Plantman, we’re all about cultivating the next generation of skilled technicians in the heavy equipment industry. A Four-Year Journey with Real-World Experience Our apprenticeship program has grown with the size of our expanding Plant Department & Workshop since its inception in 1992. In collaboration with WA TAFE, our Apprenticeship Program is a dynamic, four-year […]

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01 Dec, 2023
News Article

Movember at Plantman

Meet Plantman’s accountant Jeff Thornhill, the man behind the handlebar moustache that turned heads and sparked conversations throughout Movember.  Growing More than a Moustache Movember is more than just an excuse to grow facial hair; it’s a global movement raising awareness about men’s health issues, from prostate cancer to mental health. The usually clean shaven […]

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At Plantman, we're all about cultivating the next generation of skilled technicians in the heavy equipment industry.

A Four-Year Journey with Real-World Experience

Our apprenticeship program has grown with the size of our expanding Plant Department & Workshop since its inception in 1992. In collaboration with WA TAFE, our Apprenticeship Program is a dynamic, four-year plan which combines training with practical work experience to provide participants with excellent opportunities to develop their skills whilst on the job.

Plantman accommodates five apprentices at any one time, guiding them through practical workshop experiences under the mentorship of seasoned experts. Apprenticeships are available in bodybuilding, auto electrics, welding, and heavy diesel mechanics.

Apprentices: James Besande, Lachlan Deery, Matthew Morris, Trent Smith, James Kelly
Apprentice: Dylan Adams

Inspiring Leadership under Marc Holyoake

"Our apprenticeship program is a key effort to support emerging talent, teaching them not only technical skills but also a strong work ethic," says Marc Holyoake, our Maintenance Manager and Apprentice Master, who leads the charge in a fun and enjoyable work environment.

Maintenance Manager: Marc Holyoake & Managing Director: Michael Elliot

Diverse Entry Points

We also welcome mature-age apprentices, starting as Trade Assistants. Remarkably, 50% of these apprentices are current Plantman employees, showcasing our commitment to employee growth. We also welcome school students for work experience programs, offering them an insightful two-week observation period to an operational workshop.

From Apprentice to Professional

The journey doesn't end with technical training—it's a launchpad to a prosperous career. Graduates emerge as skilled mechanics, ready to contribute to mining, civil, and construction industries. Plantman supports growth, whether remaining with the Plantman family, venturing into FIFO life on the mines, or returning as sub-contractors having setup their own business or working with another company.

We extend heartfelt acknowledgement to our current apprentices. Here's to your success now and into the bright future.

Commencing Class of 2022/1:

Commencing Class of 2024:

  • Dylan Adams
  • Bryce Tippett
  • Trent Smith
  • Matthew Morris
  • James Kelly
  • James Besand
  • Lachlan Deery

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