Plantman Team Takes The Plunge

On 14 September 2018, Team Plantman abseiled 52 floors down Perth’s tallest building for Ronald McDonald House Charities. A total of 148 people took part in the 220 metre plunge, 12 of which were from Plantman. The day brought uncertainty due to bad weather. As time went on and the winds settled, emotions started running […]

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On 14 September 2018, Team Plantman abseiled 52 floors down Perth's tallest building for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

A total of 148 people took part in the 220 metre plunge, 12 of which were from Plantman.

The day brought uncertainty due to bad weather. As time went on and the winds settled, emotions started running high with anticipation of the imminent abseil.

As the teams went through the briefing and preparation for the plunge, spectators waited patiently to meet their loved ones back on safe ground, while the support crew took photos and videos to remember the occasion.

The opportunity to take part in the Central Park Plunge was thrilling for our team who each abseiled 220 metres down the tallest building in Perth. Nothing felt better than knowing that all funds raised will support sick kids and their families at Ronald McDonald House Charities WA (RMHC WA).

Since 1990, RMHC WA has been providing an essential service to families throughout the state with seriously and critically ill children.

Taking the plunge for Ronald McDonald House Charities is just one of the many ways that Plantman gives back to the community in line with our company values.
Team Plantman take the 220m plunge!

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